開放對話系列五:《C&G:創意情感》.Open Dialogue 5: “C & G: A Passion For Creation”
為慶祝疑似香港藝術館主辦《路易威登: 創意情感》和之前四個搞完就算的《開放對話系列》展覽閉幕,C&G藝術單位勾結程展緯搞左個 開放對話系列五-《C & G:創意情感》,是次展覽籌備兩日有多,耗資達590萬剩下嗰D零頭,全部是由納稅人資付(不過只係兩個代表)。是次展覽內容豐富,多個本地及國際級大師作品由C & G藝術單位基金會消費採購回來,除了佢地有的Richard Prince, 村上隆, Gilbert & George外,我們大佢的有Damien Hirst, Tom Friedmen, Jaspar Johns, Pierre et Gilles, Marina Abramovic, Yves Klein…除此之外,我們大大佢的有:清明上學圖任睇、家中遺失已久的緣名丸豬頭像、全球首次公開展覽的未來活化廳藝術館模型、結合時尚與藝術品外借概念的路加阿金秋後算賬時裝系列…預計參觀人數達18萬人。
C & G與藝術
C & G藝術單位基金會擁有與LV 藝術基金會相若的兩年歷史、分別以視覺藝術教育 及 畫廊雙線發展的藝術空間,多年來與藝壇建立了長久緊密的關係。作為填充本地藝術圈的灰色地帶和罅隙的先軀,C &G與傳媒努力不懈結合藝術與關注本地的藝術生態及回應社會時事精神,建構了獨一無二的美學觀。
C &G於香港舉行的《開放對話系列五-C & G:創意情感》藝術展,將藝術創作與品牌歷史融合,透過不同的藝術展品及裝置,分析當代藝術的創作歷程。
C & G藝術單位基金會藏品展
佚名建築大師為C & G設計一座既壯觀又新穎的C & G創意基金會美術館,充分彰顯基金會推動文化藝術發展的宏大目標。他以紙皮幕牆為主,把建築與環境結合,將夢想與現實、科技及藝術創意兼容並蓄,展示C & G一貫的傳承創新精神。美術館將座落九龍以西著名的購物區(Yau Ma Tei)內,設置多個展覽廳,分別展示永久藏品及舉行藝術展。預計十月中正式完工開幕。
《C &G:創意情感》藝術展的部份展品取材自路加阿金創意基金會的珍藏,包括多位歐洲、美國及中國藝術家的小型畫作、攝影及混合媒介作品,出自Gilbert & George、Damien Hirst、Tom Friedmen、Jaspar Johns、Pierre et Gilles、 Marina Abramovic、Yves Klein、梵高、白雙全 及 Richard Prince 等名家手筆;由反思活力都市文化起步,再游走於如夢似幻的虛構國度。同場亦會展出世界知名的大師級錄像藝術家的作品,包括 黑澤明、馬田史高西斯、Barry Levinson等等。
路加阿金創意基金會以鼓勵自由創作為宗旨,為此,基金會已委約一位居於本地的年青策展人,邀請多位香港藝術家(的複製作品)參與其中,包括蔡仞姿、梁美萍、程展緯、朱興華、廖仕強、呂豐雅 及 楊曦。
主辦:C & G藝術單位
展覽日期: 二零零九年八月十七日(一) 至 二零零九年八月三十日(日)
展覽時間: 下午2:00-7:30,逢星期四、五、六、日、一,(星期二、三及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點: 香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號 三字樓
Open Dialogue 5---“C & G: A Passion For Creation”
In order to celebrate the closings of “Louis Vuitton: A Passion For Creation,” and the four Open Dialog exhibitions in Hong Kong Museum of Art, C&G Artpartment collaborates with artist Luke Ching to put up the current exhibit: “C&G: A Passion For Creation.” Spending the leftover from the budget of “HK$5,900,000,” this exhibit has been prepared for more than two days and is completely funded by taxpayers (two representatives of the local taxpayers). It consists of many masterpieces. Besides those exhibited in the LV show, like works about Richard Prince, Takashi Murakami, Gilbert & George, we also have works about Damien Hirst, Tom Friedmen, Jaspar Johns, Pierre et Gilles, Marina Abramovic, Yves Klein… etc. and masterpieces like “Going to School during the Qing-Ming Festival” and the long lost sculpture from “Yuen Ming Yuen.” The architectural model of “Woofer Ten Art Museum” will also be displayed to the public for the first time. With the crossover of fashion and the “Artwork On Loan” project, the “Aftermath” fashion series will be on show … the estimated number of visitors is about 180,000.
C&G and ART
C&G Artpartment Foundation has a two-year-long history, same as the LV art foundation. C&G Artpartment has both an art gallery and a visual art education unit. It has a close link with the art world in all these years and is a pioneer of the art of filling up cracks in the current art scene. Working closely with the mass media, C&G uses art to respond to social and cultural issues, and has developed a unique aesthetic philosophy.
The arrival of Clara Cheung as artistic director in 2007 reinforced C&G’s ties with artists, notably through exemplary collaborations with Gum Cheng, Law Man-Lok and Luke Ching.
In Hong Kong, C&G brings this exciting story of life illustrating the creative process through installations combining works of art and archive documents.
The Exhibit of the collections of C&G Artpartment Foundation
The Architectural Project: Woofer Ten
The unknown iconic architect has designed a powerful and innovative building to embody the ambitions of the C&G Artpartment Foundation. He has successfully combined dreams and reality with technological and artistic innovation by using cardboard as the primary exterior material to complement its natural environment, which plays a principlal role in the architectural spirit and inspiration of the C&G Artpartment Foundation. This premises will be located in the shopping area of West Kowloon (Yau Ma Tai). It will be devoted to housing a series of galleries designed to accommodate both permanent collections and temporary exhibitions. It will a grand opening in October.
The Collection, a Choice
This exhibition of a selection of works from the Foundation brings together a number of significant small-scale reproductions by European, American and Chinese artists. These reflect an energetic urban culture, leading to fictional landscapes located somewhere between dreams and adventure. Artists include Gilbert & George、Damien Hirst、Tom Friedmen、Jaspar Johns、Pierre et Gilles、 Marina Abramovic、Yves Klein、Van Gogh、Tozer Pak, Richard Prince etc. Besides, works by recongnised international artists working in the medium of video will also be shown.
In an open-minded sprirt, the Foundation is eager to invite many Hong Kong artists to show reproductions of their works, with the help of a young art curator who lives in Hong Kong: Choi Yan Chi, Leung Mee Ping, Luke Ching, Chu Hing Wah, Liu Sze Keung, Eddie Lui and Young Hay.
Ticket Price:
30cents (no changes provided). Open to public.
Associated Programs (NOT PROVIDED)
Exhibition Catalogue
Education Corner
Audio Guide
Speical Lecture
Art Workshop
Video Collections by “Fondation Louis Vuitton pour la Creation”
Presented by:C & G Artpartment
Curated by: Luke Ching
Opening and Press Conference: 6:30pm, (Sun) 16 August, 2009
Exhibition Period:(Mon) 17 August, 2009 - (Sun)30 August, 2009
Exhibition Time:2:00 - 7:30pm, Thursday to Monday, (Closed on Tue, Wed and Public Holiday)
Address:3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Behind Pioneer Centre. Close to Prince Edward MTR Station Exit B2)
M: 95235072 T: 23909332
E: info@CandG-Artpartment.com
C and G Artpartment
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